
Showing posts from August, 2017


Module Objectives Describe the process of opening and closing files Define binary mode and text mode Define the TRANSFER and READ DATASET statements Define the CLOSE DATASET and DELETE DATASET statements Define ABAP statements to fill the fields of a structure Define the process for reading, extending and creating a file Data Imports and Exports Data imports and exports Processing Files there are three step of File processing. Open file Process file Close file Working with Sequential Files Reading Data OPEN DATASET <file name> FOR INPUT. : : READ <file name> INTO <field>. : : CLOSE DATASET <file name>. Writing Data  OPEN DATASET <file name> FOR OUTPUT. :   : TRANSFER <field> TO <file name>. :   : CLOSE DATASET <file name>. style="display:block" data-ad-format="fluid" data-ad-layout="image-side" data-ad-layout-key="-fg+5r+6h-fn+4k" data-ad-client="ca-pub-4708127434193346...


BACKGROUND PROCESSING Describe the process flow of background jobs Define the scheduling and processing of background jobs Describe the job results for a job log and spool requests Define the authorization objects Describe the automatic generation of jobs Define the function modules for generating jobs Characteristics Execution of ABAP programs without dialog (no specific job-control language for operating system required) Complete integration in the SAP System Parallel background and online operation Ease of use Distributed processing Process Flow Overview Process Flow Processing Jobs – Job Status Scheduled Released Ready Active Finished or Cancel Authorizations and Background Processing Authorization and background Processing Function Modules for Generating Jobs OB_OPEN JOB_SUBMIT OB_CLOSE Job Wizard You can use the Job wizard to schedule a background job. Let us go through the steps to do this. Transaction SM36 is listed below. Click the Job wizard button. The Job Wizard is displaye...