
Showing posts from July, 2016


FUNCTION MODULES Module Objectives Define Function Modules Define Function Groups Describe Function module Parameters Explain Exception Processing Define global data / local memory Use Remote Function Call (RFC) Search the Function Library Introduction to Function Modules •Function modules are procedures that are defined in special ABAP programs, so-called function groups, that can be called by all ABAP programs. •Function groups act as containers for function modules that logically belong together. •Function modules also play an important role during updating and in the interaction between different SAP systems, or between SAP systems and remote systems through remote communications. function module Navigating to Function Modules (SE37) Navigating to function Modules Navigating to Function Modules (ADT) Navigation to function Modules Function Groups Function Groups function groups Calling a Function Module Calling a function module Parameters Parameters Exception Processing Exceptions...


Module Objectives •Create transaction codes to load custom programs •Utilize ABAP Events to manage program processing Creating a Custom Transaction Code Creating a Custom Transaction Code we will click on ABAP Repository object and search for Transaction and write the object name. Creating A transaction Code  we will enter the transaction code and select the Start object type and enter the transection text and program name ABAP Events Events are declared through the event keyword Events are triggered when the program encounters a particular scenario (i.e. program is loaded, execution after selection screen, etc.) Events are terminated when any of these scenarios are met           -Declaration of another event           -Declaration of a subroutine or local method           -End of source code ABAP Event Keywords ABAP Events ABAP Events LOAD-OF-PROGRAM •Occurs prior to the loading of the selection screen •Inf...